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Large Hackerspace Convention 4 (#LHC4)

veröffentlicht am 17. Februar 2013

Hackerspaces of the world.

Get ready for another collision at the Large Hackerspace Convention IV (#LHC4) in the RaumZeitLabor Mannheim Germany on the 13th and 14th of April 2013

Join us for another meet-up about our world, the world of hackerspaces, including our problems, our solutions, our projects, our structures, our chaos, our members, our publicity and everything in and around the hackerspaces movement. This time, we return the LHC to its birth place in Mannheim. We invite all hackerspaces to come to Mannheim and have a great time with us, debating the status quo as well as the future of hackerspaces.

During the two days, we plan to have a barcamp-esque lecture program, to be defined by the attendees. If you already know that you would like to talk about a topic, please send in your idea to info@raumzeitlabor.de.

The topics we want to put a focus on this year are:

  • Laser cutters: lots of hackerspace have acquired or built a laser cutter by now. We want to share best practises, lessons learned, ideas, differences between models, HOWTOs to prepare designs for cutting, etc.
  • 3D printing: Even longer than the laser cutter trend, the plastic extrusion 3D printers have invaded hackerspaces and help up make Bits tangible. We want to share best practises, lessons learned, ideas, differences between models, HOWTOs to prepare designs for printing, other methods than hot extrusion, etc.
  • Textile design: RaumZeitLabor is not the only hackerspace that took a deep dive in T-shirt and textile design and printing. We want to explore techniques (foil, silk screen …), design ideas and best practises. We will make our new cutting plotter available to you for your own designs (can also cut vinyl foil for laptop stickers!)
  • Organisation: The ususal. A hackerspace needs to organise its chaos a bit in order to really work. Or does it? We want to share rule sets, lessons learned and general opinions about this topic. What works, what doesn't in your space?
  • Can haz Moneyz pls?: Financing the niceties that make a hackerspace comfy, starting with the space itself, is the biggest task of a hackerspace to stay sustainable. We want to share concepts for funding, sponsoring pro/contra, membership fees, food and drink prices/revenues, etc.

The event – as most hackerspace events – is highly self-organized and dependent on volunteers. Please consider showing up on Friday and giving us a hand, setting everything up. And please consider giving a lecture or workshop for any of the focus topic or any other topic you think the community will find interesting.

All infos will be gathered at http://lhc.raumzeitlabor.de
(and yes that's a wiki page so feel free to contribute)

We'd love to see you in April in Mannheim!